Blog of The SJG

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Receiving asynchronous notifications of database changes

The following is directly pertaining to a PostgreSQL-based internet mail solution, but be not discouraged. Most, if not all, of the techniques can be applied elsewhere, and I intend to explain how.

For about six months in 2003 I worked for a company based out of Spearfish, SD, called Altaire Enterprises, Inc., a small floundering dialup ISP. This is where my first real experiences with PostgreSQL took place, up until this time I had been a die-hard user of MySQL for all of my database needs, whether it be as a backing store for a web application or otherwise. The largest project I took on while I was there was the implementation of a database backed mail system. That is to say, all mail accounts were entirely virtual, no system accounts, and all data associated with them was stored in PostgreSQL. It could just as easily have been LDAP, but it wasn't, and that isn't the point of this little ditty I'm writing now. Architecting the mail system was the easy part, as I found, plenty of mail applications are perfectly happy to talk to PostgreSQL. There are two hard parts. Performance and Management.

I will get to performance later. Management comprises more than one would think at first. Obviously, you need some sort of frontend or tools to add users, domains, etc. to your mail database. In this case it was a collection of C applications, rather than the typical web frontend, because they could be executed by the internal billing system (platypus). In consideration of the scope of this text, how the data is being entered is moot.

There is a flip-side to management, and specifically putting information into the database in this scenario. There are cases where you need to know when modifications are made to that data, so that you can perform operations on disk, for instance. Such operations may be setting quota's, or creating a users Maildir if your MTA doesn't handle that for you. The typical way to do this is to have your frontend perform that action as well, which is logical in a small installation, and is exactly the method used at Altaire. The C applications performed whatever on-disk operations were necessary.

What happens when your (web) fronted is hosted on a different server, though? I suppose you could export a set of web services, or similar, from the mailserver, allowing your frontend to connect to it and perform the necessary operations. What then if you have 10 mail servers? The frontend has to decide which one to connect to, and does its thing, fine, but what if one of those web services runners dies, what do you do? Write additional logic to record failures, and play them back later? Oh lords, there must be a better way. Yes, yes.. Of course there is. There is another method that has been used time and again, it is proven and reliable. My first major experience with it was during the time I helped architect, a web hosting provider, back in 99/00. You create an addition column in the tables that will require external operations, and when modifications happen, you toggle that field on with your frontend. You can then have a runner that polls those tables watching for modifications, and performing the correct operation when one is found. This works well, with a number of drawbacks. One, you are polling. Two, you are littering your carefully constructed, optimized and normalized schema with columns whose sole purpose is to notify external applications of changes. You could easily avoid this by logging changes to seperate tables, sure, but now we come to three. You are stilly relying on your frontend to dictate what actions the backend should take.

Would it not be better to just let the management application do what it should do best, and insulate it from the underlying technical details? This becomes even more important in an organization where the developer(s), database administrator(s) and system administrator(s) are all different people.

Enter Epidemic, a proof-of-concept framework to easily make such things possible.

To Be Continued...


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