Blog of The SJG

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

JavaScript/File-based HTTP request logging

I just had the thought that it should be pretty feasible (if not trivial) to tie JavaScript-based request logging (like Mint and Analytics) to traditional file-based request logging using cookies and/or headers and CustomLog in Apache or similar in other httpd's.

The question being... Is this somehow useful? I think it potentially could be, I'm just not 100% on how as yet.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Yahoo pipes wires

Just in case you happen to have absolutely no idea how Yahoo is doing those crazy-cool curvy wires in their pipes product. Enter the <canvas> tag.

Mozilla <canvas> documentation

Friday, February 09, 2007

Introspecting PostgreSQL and MySQL, starting out

Starting at the top, PostgreSQL and MySQL have wildly different concepts of what constitutes a schemata. In MySQL information_schema is a database that can be used directly or via cross-database queries. Whereas in PostgreSQL, you cannot perform cross-database queries because you connect to a single database. Here, the information_schema is contained within what PostgreSQL calls a schema, or a seperate namespace within a database.

Common Fields (schemata):
PostgreSQL: Always the name of the parent database
MySQL: Always NULL
PostgreSQL: Name of the schema
MySQL: Name of a database
PostgreSQL: Feature not available
MySQL: Default character set (utf8, latin1, etc.)

User (role) that owns the schema

Default character set collation (utf8_general_ci ...)

So, what we get out of all this is that for PostgreSQL, we connect to a database and schemata tells us what schema's exist. In the case of MySQL, it tells us what databases exist. Of course application dependant, but in many cases you can treat these as the same thing.

Once we know all about our databases, or whether we wanted to know about them at all, the next thing we will probably want to dig into are tables.

Common Fields (tables):
PostgreSQL: Always the name of the parent database
MySQL: Always NULL
PostgreSQL: Name of the schema that contains the table
MySQL: Name of the database
Name of the table
'BASE TABLE' for a regular persistent table
'VIEW' for a view
PostgreSQL: 'LOCAL TEMPORARY' for a temporary table
MySQL: 'TEMPORARY' for a temporary table


To set comments on PostgreSQL tables:
COMMENT ON TABLE table_name IS 'This is a table comment';
To retrieve comments we must dig into the system information schema:
SELECT obj_description(
(SELECT c.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
WHERE c.relname='table_name'), 'pg_class')
AS comment;

Next, we'll want to dig into information about the columns of those tables

Common Fields (tables):
PostgreSQL: Always the name of the parent database
MySQL: Always NULL
PostgreSQL: Name of the schema that contains the table
MySQL: Name of the database
Name of the table
Name of the column
Position of the column within the table, the ordering of the columns
Default (expression) for the column
Whether or not the column can be null, 'YES' or 'NO'
Name of the built-in type
'ARRAY' - see the element_types view
'USER-DEFINED' - identified in udt_name+
If domain-based, refers to the underlying
type and the domain is identified in domain_name+
Maximum length of character data if defined, otherwise NULL
MySQL: NULL if not defined

Schema the user-defined type is defined in
Name of the user-defined type

Schema the domain is defined in
Name of the domain

More specific column type than data_type (varchar(255)
'PRI' or blank ?

To set comments on PostgreSQL columns:
COMMENT ON COLUMN table_name.column_name IS 'This is a column comment';
To retrieve comments we must dig into the system information schema:
SELECT col_description(
(SELECT c.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
WHERE c.relname='table_name'),
(SELECT a.attnum
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c,
pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
WHERE a.attrelid=c.oid
AND c.relname='table_name'
AND a.attname='column_name'));

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

PHP/AJAX file upload with progress bar, part 4

Now with a super crufty AJAX'ified interface! See it here.

Update: Source code has been added to my hacks repository on github, get it here:

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

PHP/AJAX file upload with progress bar, part 3

Part 1, Part 2

I pulled this back out over the weekend and did a little work on it. The backend code is now totally functional, however I would consider it to be alpha quality. It just needs to be wrapped in a UI now, check it out and let me know what you think. Try the demo with JavaScript enabled first, once the upload completes you will see the result is a mash-up that looks like PHP's $_REQUEST/$_FILES. Hit the resulting url again within 60 seconds and you will see the status side of things (Using a GET request, you don't want to re-post the form data). Total bytes, bytes received, percent complete. Try it again with JavaScript disabled and behold the standard php handler.

- Demo